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Exploring Self-Talk: Imposter Fears and Other Cognitive Distortions (Discussion)

We tell ourselves stories about what is happening to us and around us. In this discussion we will explore how our self-talk is generated and look at ways our self-talk can either help us be more resilient or how it can hurt us and hold us back. We will look at two important elements of our self-talk, cognitive distortions and imposter fears and explore ways to recognize internal messages and input from others that distorts our views of our abilities and accomplishments.

Exploring Self-Talk: Imposter Fears and Other Cognitive Distortions (Webinar)

We tell ourselves stories about what is happening to us and around us. In this webinar we will explore how our self-talk is generated and look at ways our self-talk can either help us be more resilient or how it can hurt us and hold us back. We will look at two important elements of our self-talk, cognitive distortions and imposter fears and explore ways to recognize internal messages and input from others that distorts our views of our abilities and accomplishments.

An Introduction to Resilience and Well-Being (Discussion)

We all experience setback and disappointments in science, work, and life. In this discussion we will look at seven key elements of resilience with a focus on building habits that promote healthier responses and resilient behaviors in the face of set-back in educational and work environments.  

An Introduction to Resilience and Well-Being (Webinar)

We all experience setback and disappointments in science, work, and life. In this webinar we will look at seven key elements of resilience with a focus on building habits that promote healthier responses and resilient behaviors in the face of set-back in educational and work environments.

Preparing for the next academic job cycle

Are you thinking about applying to faculty positions this upcoming academic job cycle? Then this workshop is for you! Come join fellow postdocs who are also thinking about applying to faculty jobs this coming academic job cycle and learn how to best prepare and be ready to apply when the first faculty jobs are posted in the fall.

To postdoc or not to postdoc

Are you a graduate student wondering whether a postdoc is the next best step for you? If so, join representatives from UK’s Office of Postdoctoral Affairs and International Student and Scholar Services for this interactive session where you will: (1) learn what a postdoc is, (2) explore whether pursuing a postdoc is right for you, and (3) discuss how to look for a postdoc position intentionally.

Faculty Search Retreat (Oct 25)

The Faculty Search Retreat provides a collaborative space for postdocs to have their application materials reviewed and critiqued by fellow postdocs. When applying to the retreat, you also commit to joining the collaborative effort and critique fellow postdocs' application materials.

2023 Society of Postdoctoral Scholars Annual Research & Career Symposium

The Society of Postdoctoral Scholars, in partnership with the Office of Postdoctoral, organize an Annual Career & Research Symposium intended to provide University of Kentucky postdocs, and regional postdocs, an opportunity to connect, network, and present their research. In addition, the symposium includes career development programming to allow postdocs to explore careers and develop critical skills for them.

Interstride Demonstration and Immigration Webinar

In this session you will not only receive (1) a demonstration on how to use Interstride, an online platform that supports international scholars with job searching, you will get (2) a chance to discuss visa options for foreign national scientists to continue their research in the United States and to enable career progression and advancement with an immigration lawyer, Brendan Delaney of Frank & Delaney Immigration Law.

Night Science: Creativity Workshop for Developing Research Ideas

Day science is what we traditionally think about when we think of "science". It is hypothesis-driven, empirically supported, and logical. Night science, on the other hand, involves unconnected, loosely related ideas and associative leaps. Often, our research questions come from night science, but it can be hard to think creatively when we are immersed in "day science". In this workshop (modified from Drs.