Why it matters!
Faculty often rely on informal networking to hire postdocs. However, this method of recruitment may keep underrepresented groups out of the pipeline.
- How the Opaque Way We Hire Postdocs Contributes to Science’s Diversity Problem
- How Gender and Race Stereotypes Impact the Advancement of Scholars in STEM
If you don't have a candidate in mind
- Please contact your department business manager to start the Hiring student/other employees process and post and advertise the job online
- Once you select a candidate, make an offer, and they start, please proceed to the Initial Appointment
Additional advertising resources:
If you have a candidate in mind
- Please contact your department business manager to start the Hiring student/other employees process and post the job online for your candidate to apply
- Once the candidate has applied, accepted an offer, and they start, please proceed to the Initial Appointment